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    Special Thesis & Basic Research
    Utilization and Conservation of Wild Rice Resources in China
    YANG Xiaohong, ZHOU Jinfeng, FENG Lu
    2023, 29(1): 1-8.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1006-8082.2023.01.001
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    Wild rice is a wild relative of cultivated rice, which can provide important genes for resistance to disease, pest, drought and cold for rice breeding, and is a valuable gene pool for rice breed improvement. With the acceleration of industrialization and urbanization, the change of climate and environment, the number and distribution area of wild rice population are sharply decreasing, and the loss of germplasm resources of wild rice is inestimable. Although the utilization and conservation of wild rice germplasm resources in China have achieved positive achievements in recent years, a series of problems still exists. In this paper, the important progress of wild rice germplasm gene discovery, breeding application and resource conservation was systematically summarized, and the problems existing in current conservation and management were comprehensively analyzed, and relevant suggestions for future conservation and utilization of wild rice were put forward.

    Research on the Characteristics and Development Path of Seed Industry in the Main Producing Areas of Hybrid Rice in China
    LIU Chunqing, JING Qi, CHENG Changlin
    2023, 29(1): 9-12.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1006-8082.2023.01.002
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    Seed industry is the “chip” of agricultural development, and its development quality plays a dental role at the contribution to food security. This paper employed the theory of industrial organization, and made full use of the framework SCP (structure-conduct-performance) to analyze the hybrid rice seed industry in China. From the perspectives of market structure, market behavior and market performance, we analyzed the business scale, market sales, operation mode, breeding system, marketing channels, price distribution and regional pattern of the seed industry in the main hybrid rice producing areas. Finally, based on the aspects of “improving the breeding system and strengthening the integration of resources; coordinating the upstream, midstream and downstream channels of seed enterprises, and promoting the rational division of labor within production; improving the level of industry management, and appropriately guiding the development of seed enterprises clusters”, we proposed the optimal path for the development of hybrid rice seed industry.

    Comparative Benefits and Management Problems of Different Cropping Patterns in Indica Rice Areas in China——Hunan Province as an Example
    LI Junjie, JI Long, MEI Dong, LI Jianping
    2023, 29(1): 13-18.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1006-8082.2023.01.003
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    Based on microscopic research data of rice growers in four main producing counties (districts) including Changsha County, Yueyang County, Linli County and Datong Lake District, Yiyang City, Hunan Province, we analyzed the trends of changes in cost-benefit and the benefits of different scales of operation and explored the individual, common and regional problems faced by different modes in production and operation. There were three main results. Firstly, there was a decreasing trend of the average net profit per unit area of various rice growing modes. Secondly, moderate scale had cost advantages. Thirdly, growing ratoon rice gains more profits but was faced institutional and technical constraints. In addition, common and regional issues faced by indica rice growing areas included low mechanization rate, high credit cost and weak brand effect. To address these issues, we gave policy recommendations including increasing the construction of farmland infrastructure, improving socialization services, smoothing credit channels, guiding order-based production, and inclusion of ratoon rice in grain statistics.

    Study on Total Factor Productivity Measurement of Rice Family Farm from the Perspective of Food Security
    HUANG Dayong, ZHU Yangyang, XIONG Hao, SHEN Huicui
    2023, 29(1): 19-26.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1006-8082.2023.01.004
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    Improving the total factor productivity of rice family farms is an important measurement to implement the new food security concept of “basic self-sufficiency of grain and absolute security of grain rations”. Based on the microscopic survey data of 612 rice family farms in the Yangtze River basin, the total factor productivity of rice family farms was empirically studied using a three-stage DEA model. The study showed that environmental factors such as age, education level and farmland fragmentation had important influence on total factor productivity of rice family farm, farming area and scale remuneration were inverted U-type, moderate operating scale range was 8.0-9.3 hm2, and the total factor productivity of rice family farm was in the relatively low scale efficiency. Based on this, we mainly put forward relevant countermeasures and suggestions from the aspects of standardizing the farmland transfer market, improving the competition mechanism of family farm market, accelerating the construction of high-standard farmland, and improving the own capacity construction of family farmers, so as to effectively improve the total factor productivity of rice family farms.

    Research Progress for the Effect of Endosperm Protein on Rice Quality
    ZHOU Yicheng, GUO Halun, LU Yao, XU Qiang, DOU Zhi, GAO Hui
    2023, 29(1): 27-34.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1006-8082.2023.01.005
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    Protein is the second largest storage substance in rice endosperm follow starch. Its content, composition, morphology and distribution characteristics present an important influence on rice quality. In this review, we summarized the research progress of the relationship between endosperm protein and rice appearance quality, milling quality, nutritional quality, and cooking and eating quality, and put forward a prospect for the future research directions. The article can provide reference for further study the role of endosperm protein in rice quality determination and rice quality improvement.

    Progress on the Mechanism of Rice Starch Affecting the Eating Quality
    WANG Jing, DAI Changjun, WANG Cuiling, ZHANG Ruiying
    2023, 29(1): 35-43.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1006-8082.2023.01.006
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    The eating quality of rice is one of the most critical factors that determine the choice of consumers and market circulation. Eating quality with the unique texture and taste is mainly formed by starch (including a small amount of protein and fat) after a period of physical and chemical changes under the action of water and temperature. This paper introduced the development of eating quality evaluation, summarized the effects of starch composition, structure, interaction with other components, starch biosynthesis and catabolism on eating quality, and the research progress on the improvement of rice eating quality by means of molecular biology. The research results provide meaningful reference for the improvement of rice eating quality and rice quality breeding.

    Research Status of Genetic Analysis of Rice Quality
    CHEN Yanhong, HU Biaolin, ZHANG Fantao
    2023, 29(1): 44-54.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1006-8082.2023.01.007
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    Rice is one of the main food crops in China, with nearly 65% of the population as the staple food. With the continuous improvement of people's living standards, the demand for rice quality is increasing day by day, and it is particularly urgent to improve rice quality. Therefore, the selection and breeding of high-quality rice varieties has become an important topic in rice breeding research. In this paper, the QTL mapping, cloning and functional studies for appearance quality, milling quality, cooking and eating quality, and nutritional quality of rice were summarized, with a view to providing reference for rice quality improvement and breeding.

    Effects of Stocking Density on Rice Yield, Rice Quality and Ecological Environment in the Coculture of Rice and Aquatic (poultry) Animals
    DAI Linxiu, LI Jingyong, PENG Xiang, YANG Qian, XU Qiang, DOU Zhi, GAO Hui
    2023, 29(1): 55-59.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1006-8082.2023.01.008
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    China’s agriculture is facing problems such as the reduction of per capita arable land area, the aggravation of resource and environmental constraints, and the increasing difficulty of ensuring food security and increasing farmers' income. The integrated farming of rice and aquatic animals (IFRAA) is an important production mode to promote the green and efficient ecological development of modern agriculture, which can solve these problems to a certain extent. In recent years, IFRAA has developed rapidly with the support of the Central Government of China, but the current integrated planting and aquacultural technology is relatively extensive, and various regions lack the corresponding technical standards. There is a lack of relevant standards and research on the specifications and stocking density of aquatic(poultry) animals especially for the coculture mode of rice and aquatic (poultry) animals (CRAPA), which seriously restricted the upgrading and quality improvement of IFRAA. Based on this, the study elaborated the current situation of IFRAA, discussed the effects of different stocking density of aquatic (poultry) animals on rice yield, rice quality, and ecological environment in CRAPA, and put forward the development direction of CRAPA in the future, aiming to providing references for improving comprehensive benefits of CRAPA.

    Tillering Characteristics of High-yielding and High Japonica Rice and Its Relationship with Population Productivity
    QIAO Yi, LU Haowen, DAI Qigen, WEI Huanhe, MENG Tianyao
    2023, 29(1): 60-64.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1006-8082.2023.01.009
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    The high-yield and high-quality japonica rice variety Nangeng 5718 and the middle-yield and high-quality japonica rice variety Changnonggeng 10 were used as the test materials to compare and study the differences in tillering occurrence and panicle formation characteristics of different genotypes, and to clarify the dominant leaf position of the high-yield genotype varieties. The results showed that there were significant differences between the high-yield genotype and the middle-yield genotype in tillering occurrence and panicle formation characteristics. Compared with the middle-yield genotype, the high-yield genotype had higher primary and secondary tillering rates and panicle formation rates, more panicles per plant and group, and better photosynthetic characteristics of each tiller position after flowering, which promoted the enrichment of storage capacity and higher final yield. The yield of Nangeng 5718 was 7.7% higher than that of Changnonggeng 10, more effective panicles were the important basis for its yield advantage. Compared with Changnonggeng 10, the number of panicles of Nangeng 5718 was lower at jointing stage, but higher at heading stage and maturity stage. The occurrence of tiller in Nangeng 5718 and Changnonggeng 10 was more consistent with the dominant leaf position of panicle formation. The primary tiller was mainly 4/0, 5/0 and 6/0, and the secondary tiller is 1/4 and 1/5 was the main one. The number of panicles formed per plant, the number of panicles formed by the primary and secondary tillers in Nangeng 5718 were significantly higher than that of Changnonggeng 10. The contribution rates of different tiller positions to the number of panicles per plant and population yield were all in the following order: primary tiller >main stem>secondary tiller. The yield difference between Nangeng 5718 and Changnonggeng 10 was mainly reflected in the primary tiller and the secondary tiller. Compared with Changnonggeng 10, Nangeng 5718 had higher photosynthetic rate and chlorophyll content in flag leaves 30 days after heading, and the difference was mainly reflected in the first tiller and the second tiller. The photosynthetic rate and chlorophyll content of leaves were in the order of main stem>primary tiller>secondary tiller.

    Analysis on Quality Traits of 93 Samples in Indica Rice from Six Major Producing Provinces in China
    JIA Qian, WU Xiao, QIAN Kefeng, CAI Yizhong, YE Rongjian
    2023, 29(1): 65-71.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1006-8082.2023.01.010
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    In this study, 93 indica rice varieties from six rice major producing provinces in China were used to measure processing quality, appearance quality, cooking quality, protein content, RVA profile parameters and rice taste value. The results showed that among 22 quality traits, the variation coefficient of 15 traits was more than 10%, indicating that the collected samples were in a wide range and at different quality levels, with good representativeness. The measured values of chalky grain rate were ranged from 1.0% to 68.5%, chalkiness degree from 0.3% to 31.7%, and their coefficients of variation were relatively high (respectively 57.56% and 73.25%), indicating that there are great differences in appearance quality among different indica rice varieties in different provinces. Especially, chalkiness trait has become an important factor affecting the quality of indica rice. The results of correlation analysis among various quality traits showed that chalky grain rate, chalkiness degree, amylose content and protein content were significantly negatively correlated with eating quality value; Gel consistency and grain length-width ratio were highly significantly positively correlated with eating quality value; Hot paste viscosity (HPV), cool paste viscosity (CPV), consistence (CS) and setback (SB) were extremely significantly negatively correlated with eating quality value; Breakdown (BD) was extremely significantly positively correlated with eating quality value. Amylose content, gel consistency and alkali spreading value in physical and chemical indicators were highly correlated with the main parameters of RVA profile. Principal component analysis showed that RVA profile parameters, amylose content, gel consistency and appearance were important factors affecting the eating quality characteristics of indica rice.

    Reflections on the Method of Northern Japonica Rice Breeding Using High Energy Heavy Ion Beam Radiation
    YANG Fu, LI Jingpeng, YU Lixia, ZHOU Libin
    2023, 29(1): 72-75.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1006-8082.2023.01.011
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    High energy heavy ion beam (80 MeV/u) radiation, as a new mutation breeding technique, has been applied in wheat, sweet sorghum and other crops, but there is still a gap in the research and application of japonica rice breeding in north China. In 2013, the researchers of the Northeast Institute of Geography and Agroecology, Chinese Academy of Sciences did a series of work about the northern japonica rice mutagenesis breeding under high-energy heavy ion beam(12C6+)radiation by the national large heavy ion accelerator. After ten years of research and development, we first established the “less but better” mutation breeding technology system of northern japonica rice under high-energy heavy ion beam radiation in China. In this paper, we summarized in detail of radiation parent selection, radiation parameters establishment, progeny materials planting and selection and new varieties breeding, as well as discussed and considered the problems of the sensitivity of radiation parents, natural hybridization of M1 materials, “crazy separation” of high-generation materials and so on. It is expected to provide a reference for the future breeding of rice induced by high-energy heavy ion beam radiation.

    Evaluation and Screening of Grain Type of Rice Germplasm Resource
    JIANG Jiefeng, QIU Xianjin, JIN Lincan, YING Quansheng
    2023, 29(1): 76-81.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1006-8082.2023.01.012
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    Screening germplasm resources with excellent grain shape is the premise of breeding high-quality rice varieties. In this study, 546 indica rice germplasm resources and 326 japonica rice germplasm resources were introduced, and their grain types were investigated in Ningbo City from 2019 to 2020. The results showed that the coefficients of variation of grain length, grain width and length width ratio were 10.23%, 10.90% and 18.17% for indica germplasm resources, 12.62%, 12.88% and 24.22% for japonica germplasm resources, respectively. The variation of the three traits was very rich, among which the variation of the length width ratio was the most abundant. The correlation coefficient between grain length and grain width of indica germplasm resources is -0.47 (2019) ~ -0.48 (2020), the correlation coefficient between grain length and length width ratio is 0.84, and the correlation coefficient between grain width and length width ratio was -0.86 (2019) ~ -0.87 (2020), the japonica germplasm resources were -0.47 (2019) ~ -0.42 (2020), 0.82 (2019) ~ 0.80 (2020) and -0.88 (2019) ~ -0.87 (2020), respectively. There was a moderate negative correlation between grain length and grain width, and the length width ratio is affected to the same extent by grain length and grain width. Finally, 18 indica rice germplasm resources and 34 japonica rice germplasm resources with excellent grain types were screened out. Breeders can select appropriate grain type germplasm resources as parents to breed high-quality rice varieties.

    Evaluation and Recommendation Methods and Results of “Zhejiang Good Rice”
    JI Guocheng, LI Baoxian, QIN Yebo, ZHU Dawei, ZHANG Hui, XU Jiangfeng, LI Jing, ZHANG Linping
    2023, 29(1): 82-84.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1006-8082.2023.01.013
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    Evaluating and recommending high-quality rice plays a very positive role in promoting the popularization of high-quality rice varieties and the development of high-quality rice industry. Adopting a set of scientific evaluation methods is the key factor of high-quality rice recommendation. This paper introduced the evaluation and recommendation method of “Zhejiang good rice”, analyzed the achievements of the evaluation and recommendation of “Zhejiang good rice”, and put forward suggestions for improvement of the evaluation methods.

    Suggestions on Green Development of Chongqing Rice Industry Based on SWOT Analysis
    YAO Xiong, YANG Xiaoyan, ZHANG Wujun, DUAN Xiujian, TANG Rongli, LI Jingyong
    2023, 29(1): 85-91.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1006-8082.2023.01.014
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    In order to promote the implementation of Chongqing's rice supply-side structural reform and rural revitalization strategy, and boost the green and high-quality development of the rice industry in the Yangtze River Economic Belt, we analyzed the advantages and disadvantages, opportunities and challenges faced by Chongqing's rice industry based on SWOT method. On this basis, we put forward the countermeasures and suggestions for the green development of rice industry aiming at strengthening advantages, making up shortcomings, coping with challenges and eliminating threats. In order to improve rice quality and efficiency and transform and upgrade, Chongqing rice must take the road of green development. During the“14th Five-Year Plan” period, the development of rice in Chongqing should be guided by the strategy of“ensuring basic self-sufficiency in grains and absolute security of rations” and the development goal of “stabilizing policy, area, and yield”, taking “green development, improving quality and efficiency, and building a high-quality rice industry economic system” as the development focus, taking“deepening the reform of the rice production and management system and scientific and technological progress” as the driving force for development, promoting the development of multiple functions of the rice industry and the integration of primary, secondary and tertiary industries. 10 countermeasures and suggestions were proposed: mechanical remediation of rice fields, sustainable livelihood evaluation, encourage the moderate scale management, explore the cropping system adjustment, build characteristic green rice industry, improve industry coordination mechanism, improve the supporting effect of science and technology, build a multi-level intelligent management and service system, strengthen policy support and improve the regulatory security system. This study provides scientific reference for the development strategy, development plan and policy making of green rice production in Chongqing under the new situation.

    Risk Prediction of the Damage of Low Temperature Injury Flowering Period of Ratooning Rice in Southeastern of Sichuan Basin
    XU Fuxian, YUAN Chi, WANG Xuechun, HAN Dong, LIAO Shuang, ZHANG Zhiyong, CHEN Kun, ZENG Shiqing, KONG Xiaoqian, ZENG Zhengming, ZHANG Lin, YANG Bo, JIANG Peng, ZHOU Xingbing
    2023, 29(1): 92-97.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1006-8082.2023.01.015
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    Accurately predict the risk degree of the injury of low temperature in flowering stage on ratooning rice in different regions is beneficial to properly distributing low-temperature resistant varieties in the flowering stage according to local conditions and establishing high and stable yield technique to avoid or relieve low temperature. In 2018 and 2019, 22 new mid-season hybrid rice varieties introduced in recent years in Sichuan Province were used as materials and a unified test scheme at different ecological sites in southeastern Sichuan Basin were adopted to develop a method for predicting the risk of injury by low temperature in the flowering stage of ratooning rice based on longitude, latitude and altitude. The result showed that, the sequence of the 5th day after full heading of rationing rice was negatively correlated with longitude while positively correlated with altitude. A regression model based on longitude and altitude was established to predict the sequence of rice on the 5th day after full heading of rationing rice, in which the F value was 22.88**~65.11**, and the coefficient of determination was 0.9196~0.9702. The model was validated on several varieties at 6 ecological sites for two consecutive years. The determination coefficient of 1:1 regression model between measured value and predicted value was 0.8391~0.8638, and the RMSE between the measured value and the predicted value was 0.93%~1.21%. There was a good performance in consistency between the predicted value and the measured value. Combining the relationship model between the full head stage and geographical location of ratoon rice established in this study and the earlier prediction model based on geographic location (latitude, altitude) established by the authors to predict the earliest occurrence period of ≤22 ℃, and clarified the rate of injury by low temperature in flowering stage of ratooning rice in different geographical locations. Information of geographical location is useful to achieve accurate prediction of the risk of low temperature injury in flowering stage of ratooning rice, which has high applicability in production.

    Rice Production Status and Industrial Development in Anhui Province
    KONG Lingjuan, YANG Sen, PAN Guangyuan
    2023, 29(1): 98-102.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1006-8082.2023.01.016
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    To explore the current situation of rice production in Anhui province, the author conducted an in-depth investigation on the aspects of cultivation structure, production cost and technical needs and applications in 2021. The results indicated that the production scale and production benefit of rice in Anhui have shown an overall increasing trend, and the need for technical modes of green light and simple productivity production were strong, and policies to encourage rice production need to be continuously introduced. In response to the problems existing in current rice production in Anhui province, the development of countermeasures and suggestions are proposed.

    Analysis on Characteristics of National-certified Rice Varieties in Jilin Province from 2010 to 2020
    LI Li, SUN Hui, JIANG Zhaoyuan, ZHU Feng, WANG Jichun, REN Jinping, LIU Xiaomei, LIU Zhenjiao
    2023, 29(1): 103-107.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1006-8082.2023.01.017
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    The characteristics of national-certified rice varieties in Jilin Province from 2010 to 2020 were analyzed. From 2010 to 2020, a total of twenty-nine rice varieties passed the national certified in Jilin Province, all of which were japonica conventional rice, most of which were bred by scientific research or teaching institutions. The regional trial yield, production test yield, plant height and seed setting rate increased by 0.42%, 0.56%, 0.62 cm and 0.46% per year, respectively. The head rice rate and chalkiness increased at an average rate of 0.39% and 0.15% per year, while the amylose content and gel consistency decreased at a rate of 0.02% and 2.83 mm per year. Rice blast resistance was dominated by moderate resistance and moderate sensitivity, and the resistance showed a decreasing trend year by year.

    Varieties & Technology
    Technical Points of Tobacco-rice Rotation Mode Coupling Chicken and Fish Culture
    LIAO Xin, LIANG Yugang, CHEN Zhifeng, MENG Xiangjie, XIONG Rui, HUANG Huang, YU Zhengjun
    2023, 29(1): 108-112.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1006-8082.2023.01.018
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    Tobacco is an important economic crop in China. Continuous cropping, as the main cultivation method of tobacco, had the advantages of saving labor, labor time and production cost. However, long-term continuous cropping of tobacco would increase soil-borne diseases and insect pests, single weed community, decrease soil fertility and trace elements, and reduce the yield and quality of flue-cured tobacco. In addition, after the harvest of tobacco leaves in tobacco continuous cropping, the farmland was basically idle, resulting in a waste of land resources, aggravating the contradiction between tobacco and grain competition for land, and reducing the income of tobacco farmers. In view of the problems in tobacco continuous cropping cultivation, a comprehensive planting and breeding model of tobacco-rice rotation coupled with chicken and fish farming was proposed. In this mode, after the flue-cured tobacco is harvested, the rice was directly planted on both sides of the tobacco ridge, which realized no-tillage of the tobacco ridge and saved the cost of rice production. After the rice is planted, the shoulders of the ridges are kept moist and anhydrous, which is convenient for chickens to prey and move, and the ridge furrow is irrigated to facilitate the growth of rice and fish farming. Through the activities of chicken and fish in the rice field, diseases, pests and weeds in the field could be prevented and controlled, and the feces of chicken and fish could enrich the soil, which was conducive to reducing the amount of pesticides and fertilizers, thereby improving the farmland ecological environment, producing high-quality agricultural products such as rice, chicken and fish, significantly improving the economic benefits of rice planting, and achieving the dual goals of soil improvement in tobacco fields and income increase of tobacco farmers. In this paper, combined with the specific implementation of post-tobacco-rice rotation coupled chicken and fish farming, the technical points, comprehensive benefits and development prospects of the mode were discussed, in order to provide technical reference for the development of breeding under tobacco-rice rotation.

    Study on the Evaluation of Rice Planting Methods in Rice-Crab Ecological Mode
    MA Liang, DONG Liqiang, YANG Tiexin, PAN Zhengyan, LI Zhiqiang, SUN Fuyu
    2023, 29(1): 113-116.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1006-8082.2023.01.019
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    By comprehensively analyzing the data of rice yield, rice quality and river crab yield of the three rice planting methods (1 empty line every 6 lines, 1 empty line every 12 lines and 1 empty line every 18 lines), we studied the optimal rice planting method suitable for mechanized operation under the rice-crab ecological cultivation mode. The results showed that compared with the rice yield under the common rice-crab breeding mode, the effective panicle number was increased by the marginal effect, which supplemented a part of the loss of rice yield caused by the blank row. At the same time, the protein content of rice is reduced, and the head rice rate and the recapture rate of crabs are increased. Combining the economic benefits of rice and crab, the rice-crab ecological cultivation mode with“1 empty line every 12 lines” had the largest production-to-investment ratio of 2.84, an increase of 13 802 yuan/hm2 compared with the rice monoculture mode, and an increase of 2 952 yuan/hm2 compared with the conventional rice-crab cultivation mode. In summary, the rice-crab ecological cultivation mode with “1 empty line every 12 lines” was the most economical rice planting method for the rice-crab ecological cultivation.

    High Yield and High Efficiency Technology of Ecological Three-dimensional Planting and Breeding “Rice-fish-loach” and “Rice-fish-soft shelled turtle” in Paddy Field
    XU Shuying
    2023, 29(1): 117-120.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1006-8082.2023.01.020
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    The three-dimensional planting and breeding technology of paddy field has become a high-efficiency ecological agriculture model, which provides an effective way for the sustainable development of the agricultural industry and the increase of farmers' income. Carrying out standardized research on three-dimensional planting and breeding technology in paddy fields can improve the comprehensive utilization rate of farmland and water resources, save input costs, and help achieve the goal of green, high-quality, high-yield and efficient agricultural development. However, up to now, the planting and breeding model is not perfect in technology, which greatly limits the effective promotion of this model. Based on superior ecological environment and climate conditions of Longyan City, a set of the three-dimensional planting and breeding technology of paddy field suitable for the development of Longyan area was put forward according to local conditions in this study. The economic benefits and techniques of“rice-fish-loach”“rice-fish-soft shelled turtle”“rice-duck” model were systematically analyzed and reported, which will provide a reference for the application of this technology in Longyan and similar area and be conducive to the promotion and development of the ecological three-dimensional planting and breeding model of paddy field.

    Effects of Lumivia Seed Dressing Treatment on Rice Growth and Prevention and Control of Chilo suppressalis
    XU Chunmei, XIAO Deshun, ZHANG Xiufu, CHEN Song, CHU Guang, LIU Yuanhui, WANG Danying
    2023, 29(1): 121-125.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1006-8082.2023.01.021
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    In rice production, the problem of insecticide resistance of Chilo suppressalis has become more and more serious, and the damage has increased year by year. Lumivia is a suspension seed treatment agent, which can be used as a rice border, its active ingredient is 50% chlorantraniliprole, which is mainly used to control Chilo suppressalis. In order to explore the rational and safe use of the pesticide and achieve the control effect, a field experiment of Lumivia seed coating treatment on rice germination, seedling emergence, the quality of the rice seedlings and the control effect of Chilo suppressalis were carried out, at the same time, field demonstrations were conducted. The results showed that Lumivia was a safe seed coating agent, which could be treated with dry grain or bud grain without affecting the elongation of seed buds, seed rooting and seedling quality. Seed dressing of Lumivia is labor-saving and efficient. It could reduce the number of times of applying medicine at least once during the tillering stage of rice (from sowing to 60 days after sowing), and didn’t increase the occurrence of withered sheaths and cores of rice, and showed significant resistance to leaf roller borer.

    Improving Blast Resistance of Rice CMS Line Taonong 1A By Pi9-based Marker-assisted Selection Strategy
    LI Bowen, LEI Quanqiang, HUANG Jun, ZHANG Ting, ZOU Yuying, CHE Fanhao, DENG Jiqi, LIU Jinling, LIU Xionglun
    2023, 29(1): 126-130.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1006-8082.2023.01.022
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    To improve blast resistance of the rice cytoplasmic male sterile(CMS) line Taonong 1A and its maintainer Taonong 1B, a PCR-based co-dominant InDel marker, CoInDF1R2, was developed according to the sequence information of the broad-spectrum and durable blast resistance gene Pi9, then was used in marker-assisted selection backcross breeding practice. The marker CoInDF1R2 amplified a 354 bp DNA band from the genome of 75-1-127, while the PCR product size from both genomes of Taonong 1A and Taonong 1B was about 470 bp. Greenhouse inoculation assay was performed using fifteen Magnaporthe oryzae strains isolated from different rice areas at home and abroad, the Pi9 gene donor rice line 75-1-127 was showed much higher resistance frequency (86.67%) than that of two acceptor parents Taonong 1A and Taonong 1B (6.67%), the improved Taonong 1A-Pi9 and Taonong 1B-Pi9 was showed the same resistance frequency as 75-1-127 and with high-level seedling blast resistance in field nursery. By means of integrated field assays, an improved CMS line Taonong 1A-Pi9-1 and its maintainer Taonong 1B-Pi9-1 were screened, with high-level and broad-spectrum blast resistance, complete and stable sterility, high stigma exsertion rate, low enclosed spikelet rate, excellent agronomic and yield traits.

    Effects of Seeding Rate and Nitrogen Rate on Yield of Early Rice Variety Zhongzu 143
    YU Bin, LI Xinmin, CHEN Zhewen, WU Yu
    2023, 29(1): 131-133.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1006-8082.2023.01.023
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    The effect of seeding rate and nitrogen application on yield of machine-planted cultivation for super early rice variety Zhongzu 143 were studied with 3 seeding rates and 4 nitrogen rates treatments, for the variety had a slightly higher seeding amount and medium tiller power. The results showed that, the seeding rate was positively correlated with the average yield, and the yield increased with the increase of seeding rate. The nitrogen rate was positively correlated with the average yield within a certain range, and the highest yield was reached with nitrogen 210 kg/hm2. From the double factor analysis of seeding rate and nitrogen rate, the highest yield obtained when seeding rate 120 g/plate and nitrogen rate 210 kg/hm2.

    Demonstration Performance of Long-grain High-quality Japonica Rice Exiang 2 and High-yield Cultivation Techniques of 600 kg/667 m2
    HAO Rongrong, FENG Junze, WANG Song, ZHU Caizhang, WANG Xueyan, ZHOU Meng, DANG Chengcheng, YU Sidie, MU Qilin, TIAN Xiaohai
    2023, 29(1): 134-137.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1006-8082.2023.01.024
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    This study systematically investigated the demonstration performance of Exiang 2 in three typical demonstration sites, and summarized its high-yield cultivation techniques with a yield of 600 kg/667 m2. The seeding rates for UAV oerial seeding at 6-7 kg/667 m2 for direct seeding or basic seedlings at 60,000~70,000/667 m2 for mechanical transplanting to ensure a large number of ears. The recommended total amount of nitrogen application was 15-16 kg/667 m2, with N∶P∶K of 2∶1∶1.5. Fertilization strategies mainly rely on basal supplemented by topdressing to ensure balanced nutritional requirements throughout the life cycle. The priority of weed control should be put on “one-time closure, two-time insecticides”, the control methods for pests and diseases focuses on prevention during initial stages. Under this premise, optimal growth period is required to avoid high temperature stress during grain-filling stage, and to maintain longer grain-filling under optimal temperature and healthy growth during the whole growth period, combined with good weather in the later period, which might be an important option to achieve higher yields and quality for this variety.