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    Special Thesis & Basic Research
    Advance and Prospect in Regulation Mechanisms of Seed Dormancy and Germination of Rice in China in Recent Years
    TANG Simin, TONG Xiaohong, YING Jiezheng, ZHANG Jian, TIAN Zhihong, WANG Yifeng
    2024, 30(4): 1-6.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1006-8082.2024.04.001
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    The dormancy and germination of rice seeds are important agronomic traits to maintain rice yield and quality. Before rice seed harvest, lower dormancy levels easily cause pre-harvest sprouting, resulting in reduced yield and quality. On the other hand, the high degree of dormancy usually leads to a low germination rate and the irregular emergence of rice seeds, which seriously restricts rice's high and stable yield. This paper overall reviewed the research progress of regulation mechanisms of rice seed dormancy and germination in 2020—2023 in China, specifically from the three areas, i.e., plant hormones (abscisic acid, gibberellin, jasmonic acid, auxin, brassinolide, and the cross talk between different hormones), abiotic stress (low temperature stress, salt stress, flooding stress, heavy metal stress, oxidative stress), and pre-harvest sprouting, briefly introduced the research progress abroad, prospected the research trend and direction, and thus aiming to clarify the genetic characteristics and mechanism of seed dormancy and germination, provide a theoretical basis and elite gene resources for the selection of rice varieties with suitable dormancy level.

    Review on the Recognition of Rice Growth Characteristics Recognition Based on Digital Image Processing
    LIU Zhengguo, HAN Wei, GAO Zhao, ZHANG Zijie, LIU Jianli, LI Xiaopeng
    2024, 30(4): 7-11.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1006-8082.2024.04.002
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    Recognition of rice characteristics is a critical aspect of agricultural production, primarily involving the analysis and processing of rice growth states through manual visual inspection by agricultural experts or the use of image processing and machine learning technologies. This process involves extracting features and properties such as the shape, color, and texture of rice, enabling the recognition and diagnosis of rice growth conditions and pest disease situations. This paper reviewed domestic and international research achievements on rice, analyzed field image collection equipment, image processing methods, and applications of rice growth feature recognition research based on digital image processing. It summarized the functional characteristics of different application platforms in paddy fields and look forward to the future development direction of rice feature recognition based on digital image processing.

    Research Progress of Technology in Rice Seedling Raising and Machine Transplanting
    YING Weijie, WANG Yaliang, ZHU Defeng, HUAI Yan, ZHANG Yuping, XIANG Jing, CHEN Huizhe
    2024, 30(4): 12-16.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1006-8082.2024.04.003
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    This article compared the advantages and disadvantages of different rice machine transplanting methods and sowing and seedling raising methods in rice production in China, analyzed the problems existing in traditional hybrid rice machine transplanting technology, and innovatively proposed the precision sowing machine transplanting technology for hybrid rice, and look forward to the development of green machine transplanting technology for rice.

    Development of a Molecular Marker for Anti-ALS Inhibitor-like Herbicides and Its Applications
    SANG Shifei, SUN Xiaohan, YAO Guoqin, MA Tengyun, ZHANG Yijing, ZHENG Yangyang, FENG Liuchun, JI Shengdong
    2024, 30(4): 17-23.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1006-8082.2024.04.004
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    Weeds seriously restrict rice production, and cultivating new varieties of rice with broad-spectrum herbicide resistance and acetyllactate synthase (ALS) inhibitors is one of an effective ways to deal with the harm of weeds in rice fields. The difference sites between the anti-ALS inhibitor herbicide Jinjing 818 and the sensitive herbicide Nipponbare ALS gene were identified, and specific molecular markers were developed. Herbicide spraying and molecular marker-assisted selection (MAS) were carried out on the hybrid offspring of Jinjing 818 and Jindao 372 with ALS-resistant genotypes as parents. Two pairs of molecular markers, 818ALSF/R and HDALSF/R were developed, which could quickly distinguish three genotypes of homozygous dominant, heterozygous and homozygous genotypes, and were consistent with the herbicide spraying results. Two excellent rice germplasm resource materials, 22S9 and 22S4, with excellent herbicide resistance, were bred. Germplasm resource materials with ALS herbicide resistance gene can be quickly screened out by MAS of hybrid offspring, and the screening efficiency in rice germplasm of anti-ALS inhibitor herbicides can be improved.

    Creation of Male Sterile Line Taifeng A and Genetic Basis Study of Its Excellent Quality Traits in Rice
    WANG Feng, LIU Dilin, ZHU Manshan, LIAO Yilong, LI Jihua, FU Chongyun, ZENG Xueqin, MA Xiaozhi, HUO Xing, KONG Le, LIU Wuge
    2024, 30(4): 24-32.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1006-8082.2024.04.005
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    This study aimed to solve the bottleneck issue of high yield but poor quality in hybrid rice. The complex hybridization was conducted by utilizing the high-combining ability and high-outcrossing rate maintainer line Bo B, the high-quality Simiao rice variety Mi 31 from South China, and the high-quality, disease-resistant early rice variety Zhe 9248 from the lower reaches of the Yangtze River. The methods of shuttle planting to increase the ecological pressure for phenotypic identification and indoor analysis for quality assessment were employed. A high-quality cytoplasmic male sterile line and its corresponding maintainer line, Taifeng A/B, with slender grain shape, high head rice recovery, low chalkiness, and good taste, have been bred. By the end of 2023, 92 hybrid rice varieties, including Taifengyou 208, Taiyou 1002, Taiyou 390, and Taiyou 398, have been bred using Taifeng A, of which 80.4% meet the national (ministerial) high-quality standard of Grade 3 or above. Among them, 18 varieties/times have won gold and silver awards in national or provincial high-quality rice taste evaluations, and 2 varieties have been recognized as super rice. This has effectively solved the problem of “high yield but poor quality” in hybrid rice. In addition, we have analyzed the genetic characteristics controlling the important quality traits of Taifeng A/B and found that the GS3, GW5TFB, WxTFB, and GW7TFB genes located on chromosomes 3, 5, 6, and 7, respectively, or the chromosomal segments where they are located, are the critical genetic basis for the excellent quality of Taifeng A/B.

    Progress and Straitegy of Rice Breeding in Heilongjiang
    LIU Qing, GAO Shiwei, LIU Yuqiang, CHANG Huilin, MA Cheng, WANG Jingze, LIU Lichao, MEN Longnan, DONG Xiaohui, WANG Cuiling, DAI Changjun, BAI Rui, GU Yingnan, ZHANG Hongtian, NIE Shoujun
    2024, 30(4): 33-36.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1006-8082.2024.04.006
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    In recent years, significant progress has been made in the rice varieties breeding in Heilongjiang Province. The promotion area of varieties such as Suijing 18, Longjing 31, and Suijing 27 has repeatedly ranked first among conventional rice varieties in China. A number of new breeding theories and methods were innovated. The “Creation and protection of Rice Genetic Resources” project won the first prize of the “National Science and Technology Progress Award”, the “Breeding and Application of New Early Longjing Japonica Rice Varieties with Good Quality, High Yield and Multi-resistance in cold region” project won the second prize of “National Science and Technology Progress Award”. However, compared with abroad or some other provinces domestically, the rice varieties breeding methods in Heilongjiang Province were relatively single and the selection efficiency was low, innovation in emerging fields such as gene editing, whole genome selection, molecular design, and artificial intelligence breeding was still insufficient. Finally, the article provided the direction and strategies for rice variety breeding in Heilongjiang Province.

    Research Progress of Rice Straw Direct Returning Technology and Machinery in Northeast China
    WANG Jiang, DING Youqiang, YUE Bowen
    2024, 30(4): 37-42.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1006-8082.2024.04.007
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    Direct returning of straw as the main content of protective tillage had been widely used in the northeast rice areas. This article summarized the main technical models and supporting machines of direct straw returning in the northeast rice area of China, and analyzed the working principle and technical characteristics of different kinds of machines in each link. Based on explaining the existing problems and shortcomings of existing straw direct returning field technology and supporting equipment, we recommended to focus on research on rice straw cutting technology, power throwing technology, component materials, and processing technology, component prevention technology, cost control of straw departure field, straw stubble and full area leveling technology, agricultural machinery, and agricultural integration research. Hope to provide equipment and technical support for the direct field technology and machinery research of straw back to the northeast rice area of China.

    Effects of Interaction between Genotype and High Temperature on Head Rice Rate in Hybrid Rice
    XU Fuxian, ZHOU Xingbing, LV Qiang, LI Feixia, ZHANG Lin, JIANG Peng, LIU Mao, SHE Hengzhi, CHEN Jiaoyue, ZHU Yongchuan, XIONG Hong, GUO Xiaoyi
    2024, 30(4): 43-46.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1006-8082.2024.04.008
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    In order to improve the head rice rate in high temperature and arid areas, 15 hybrid indica combinations bred with 3 sterile lines (Yexiang A, Huhan 82S, Chuankang 606A) and 5 restorer lines (Luhui 107, Luhui 127, Luhui 276, Luhui 1156, Luhui 6150) were used as materials in 2021 and 2022, and the effects of interaction between hybrid rice genotype and environment on head rice rate were studied in the early and late planting season, and at two drying temperatures of 40 ℃ and 80 ℃ respectively. The results showed that the annual ecological conditions and rice drying temperature had the greatest influence on the head rice rate. The average head rice rate(48.92%) in 2021 was 181.00% higher than that in 2022 (17.39%, a rare high temperature year), and the average head rice rate (45.94%) at a drying temperature of 40℃ for rice was 125.00% higher than that at 80 ℃(20.37%). The influence of the restorer line was the second, The combinations bred with Luhui 6150 had the highest head rice rate, with an average of 13.85%-25.34% higher than the comninations bred with other restorer lines. The male sterile lines had little effect, the combination bred with Yexiang A had the highest head rice, with an average of 8.97%-9.45% higher than the combination bred with other male sterile lines. The special combining ability of the sterile line and the restorer line had great influence on the head rice rate, and the general combining ability of the restorer line was significantly higher than that of the sterile line. The planting season had the least effect on the head rice rate, and the head rice rate in late season was 2.97% higher than that in early season. Through the improvement of restorer line, the hybrid combination with high special combining ability for the head rice rate was beneficial to greatly improve the head rice rate under the suitable temperature of filling stage and rice drying temperature.

    Effects of Different Concentrations of Glycine Mixed in Soil on Growth Characteristics of Rice Seedlings
    NIU Juanjuan, FANG Shumei, WANG Qingyan, LIANG Xilong
    2024, 30(4): 47-52.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1006-8082.2024.04.009
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    The regulatory effects of different concentrations of glycine (0, 0.25, 0.5, 1.0, 2.0 g/L) mixed in soil on morphogenesis and physiological characteristics of rice Kenjing 8 seedling were investigated. The results showed that 0.5 g/L and 1.0 g/L treatment could improve the emergence rate and seedling speed of rice, increase the contents of chlorophyll a, total chlorophyll and carotenoid, enhance root activity, promote the accumulation of proline content, and thereby increase the mean root diameter and total root surface area, and increase plant height and above-ground biomass, especially leaf and leaf sheath biomass.

    Effect of Polishing and Color Selection on the Content of 2-AP and Gelatinization Characteristics of Fragrant Rice
    DU Xiaoxu, ZHANG Yingying, HE Zhenzhen, LIU Jiantao, MO Zhaowen, PAN Shenggang, TIAN Hua, DUAN Meiyang, QI Jianying, TANG Xiangru
    2024, 30(4): 53-55.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1006-8082.2024.04.010
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    Polishing and color selection are crucial steps in the production of edible rice, as they significantly impact the quality and the content of 2-Acetyl-1-Pyrroline (2-AP). The effects of polishing and color selection processes on the 2-AP content and gelatinization characteristics of fragrant rice varieties 19 Xiang and Ruanhuayoujinsi, in the industrial production setting were studied. The results showed that the polishing and color selection program during the rice polishing stage led to reduction of 51.66% and 38.10% in 2-AP content, 7.31% and 1.49% in protein content, but increasement in water content, peak viscosity, minimum viscosity, final viscosity and setback viscosity, reduction in consistency viscosity.

    Screening Suitable Harvest Time for High-Quality Rice
    YAN Peng, ZENG Qinghong, LUO Haiwei, CHEN Longzhou, HU Yuting, YANG Qingqing, LIU Yangxuan, LIU Yue, MU Qilin, TIAN Xiaohai
    2024, 30(4): 56-63.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1006-8082.2024.04.011
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    Timely harvesting is a technical measure to achieve synergistic improvement of yield and quality of high-quality rice. The yield and quality indicators of different harvest treatments [T1, harvested at 80% maturity (yellow ripening rate of grains); T2, harvested at 90% maturity; T3, harvested at 100% maturity; T4, harvested at 5 days after 100% maturity; T5, harvested at 10 days after 100% maturity] were studied with 6 high-quality rice varieties under field conditions. The results showed that the yield of the tested varieties showed an upward trend with the increase of maturity, and reached its highest at 10 days after 100% maturity harvesting. When maturity reached 100%, the rate of head milled rice tended to remain stable. There was not much variation in the rate and degree of chalkiness between different treatments. Harvested at 90% to 100% maturity, the tested varieties exhibited moderate disintegration values and attenuation, with relatively good taste quality. Harvested at 100% maturity, the free fatty acid content in brown rice of most of the tested varieties was stable and reached relatively low level. The highest content of aroma compounds were found in three fragrant rice varieties harvested at 90% to 100% maturity. A comprehensive evaluation of the suitable harvest period for high-quality rice was conducted by yield, whole head rice rate, free fatty acid content, disintegration value, and reduction value. The results showed that the optimal harvest period for high-quality rice was at 100% maturity. If considering the differences between varieties, high-quality rice was suitable to be harvested at 90% to 100% maturity in the actual production process.

    Analysis on Reason of Large Area Popularization of Longjing 31 and Its Enlightenment to Japonica Rice Breeding in Heilongjiang
    SHANG Quanyu, JIANG Shukun, LIU Anjin, WANG Song, ZHAO Minghui, ZHANG Wenzhong, PAN Guojun
    2024, 30(4): 64-69.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1006-8082.2024.04.012
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    Heilongjiang Province has a vast area with a complex and diverse climatic environment and significant differences in cumulative temperatures among regions, which brings challenges to the breeding and large-scale promotion of rice varieties. Longjing 31 is the japonica rice variety with the largest annual spreading area in China and the largest cumulative spreading area since the 21st century. This variety broke the dominant position of Kongyu 131 in Heilongjiang for 10 years with its advantages of high and stable yield, disease resistance and cold resistance, wide ecological adaptability, excellent quality and endurable storage. Based on the current situation of japonica rice breeding in Heilongjiang Province, the paper in-depth analysied the reasons for the large area popularization of Longjing 31 aiming for guiding the future rice breeding.

    Effects of Climate Change on Ratoon Rice Industry in Sichuan-Chongqing Region and It's Suggestions --Take Fushun County as an Example
    LUO Wei, Mei Youfeng, LI Qiang, LI Yuchun, Zhang Kai, LI Yurui
    2024, 30(4): 70-74.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1006-8082.2024.04.013
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    A survey was conducted on the situation of the ratoon rice industry in the Sichuan-Chongqing region in 2022—2023 through field investigation, telephone interview, literature review, and expert discussion, and the change of production pattern and development trend of ratoon rice in Sichuan-Chongqing region under climate change were statistically analyzed. Taking Fushun County as an example, the development potential and challenges of ratoon rice industry in the Sichuan-Chongqing region were analyzed, and five suggestions were put forward on how to improve the climate resilience of ratoon rice. The survey showed that, the autumn heat resources in the Sichuan-Chongqing region are becoming more abundant with climate change, and the planting of ratoon rice showed favorable changes such as an increasing area of suitable and optimal growth areas, steady increase in yield. But meteorological disasters are showing a trend of recurrence, and the climate risk of ratoon rice production is increasing. Fushun County is an optimal area for planting ratoon rice, with advantages in natural conditions, technology, variety, history, brand, demand, policies, and more. With the rapid development of ratoon rice industry and frequent recurrence of extreme weather, improving the ability to respond to climate change and strengthening the construction of climate resilience of ratoon rice are of great practical significance for accelerating the development of ratoon rice industry and brand building in Sichuan-Chongqing region.

    Development Situation, Existing Problems and Countermeasures of Large Grain-Planting Farmers in Zhejiang Province
    XU Jianfeng, YING Weijie, CHEN Yeping, XIE Yutao, QIN Yebo
    2024, 30(4): 75-80.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1006-8082.2024.04.014
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    In recent years, the large-scale grain management entities represented by large grain-planting farmers in Zhejiang Province have accelerated in scale and gradually developed into the“main force” of grain production, playing an important role in promoting the expansion and improvement of grain production and ensuring food security. To gain a comprehensive understanding of the development and operational practices of large grain-planting farmers in Zhejiang Province, and to further distill experiences and promote the healthy growth of large-scale grain management, the author conducted a specialized survey. The survey revealed a decline in the number of large grain-planting farmers while simultaneously observing continuous improvements in their operational scale, production standards, profitability, and leadership roles. The article identifies six primary issues—unbalanced, inadequate, aging, outdated models, short deadlines, and low benefits—and offers strategic recommendations: developing high-quality large grain-planting farmers through “two inputs and two returns”; optimizing land management for large grain-planting farmers through the “standard land” agricultural reform; enhancing the production capacity of large grain-planting farmers through the “Double Strong Action” initiative; raveling the concerns of large grain-planting farmers through the “Agricultural Service Center”; bolstering the enthusiasm of large grain-planting farmers through “policy support”; and advancing the digital application capabilities of large grain-planting farmers through “digital reform”.

    Varieties & Technology
    Effects of Soil Fertilization and Plastic Film Mulching on Soil Fertility and Rice Yield in Newly Cultivated Land of Zhejiang Province
    SHEN Jing, ZHANG Li, ZHAO Hongyang, SHEN Liang, ZHOU Zhengfa, WANG Weiying
    2024, 30(4): 81-85.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1006-8082.2024.04.015
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    The newly cultivated land in Zhejiang Province has the prominent problems, such as poor soil fertility and low productivity, etc. This study explored the high yield cultivation technology of rice suitable for the reconstruction of the newly cultivated land in Zhejiang Province through multi-year field experiments. The results showed that, influenced by the fertility of newly cultivated farmland, among the 8 varieties participating in the rice variety screening experiment, Hanyou 73 was more suitable for planting on newly cultivated farmland and had a higher yield. Applying organic fertilizer to newly cultivated land could effectively improve soil fertility and increase rice yield. Applying the water saving with film mulching cultivation technique and organic fertilizer in the newly reclaimed farmland significantly increased rice yield, the rice yield of the treatment of mulching and applying Babe silkworm sand (11.25 t/hm2) increased by 36.76% compared to the treatment of no mulching and no applying organic fertilizer. It can be seen that planting rice on newly cultivated land with the application of organic materials for fertilization and water saving with film mulching cultivation, can achieve the goal of increasing rice yield.

    Study on the Improvement of Blast Resistance in Rice Dalixiang by Introducing the Broad-spectrum Resistance Gene Pi9
    ZHANG Xichun, LI Zujun, TANG Huihui, WANG Qian, WU Zhaoxin, WU Jianqiang, ZHU Susong
    2024, 30(4): 86-88.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1006-8082.2024.04.016
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    Dalixiang has won the “China Rice Expo Gold Award” for its excellent rice quality and rich aroma for five consecutive times. However, its high susceptibility to rice blast severely limits its large-scale application in production. Using the male parent of Kongyu 131 containing the broad-spectrum resistance gene Pi9, through conventional hybridization, continuous backcrossing, and molecular marker-assisted selection, we introduced Pi9 gene into Dalixiang. An improved strain was created, which had important traits such as leaf morphology, thousand grain weight, rice quality, and aroma that were basically consistent with Dalixiang. The identification results of the resistance of the improved strain of Dalixiang showed that its blast resistance was significantly improved compared to Dalixiang, meeting the resistance standards for variety production and application, achieving directional improvement of blast resistance in Dalixiang.

    Analysis of Characteristics of Water-saving and Drought-resistance Rice CMS Line Huhan 7A and Their Hybrid Combinations and Breeding Prospects
    LI Jiajia, GAO Huan, ZHANG Jianfeng, LIU Yi, YU Xinqiao, ZHAO Hongyang
    2024, 30(4): 89-92.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1006-8082.2024.04.017
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    Water-saving and drought-resistance rice is a new type of cultivated rice with high yield, good quality and water-saving and drought-resistance characteristics. Huhan 7A is an indica type three line male sterile line bred by Shanghai Agricultural Biological Gene Center and Shanghai Tiangu Biotechnology Co., Ltd. with Wuxiang B/Neixiang B//Huhan 1B as parents, through a multiple crossing system breeding. It has the characteristics of stable fertility, strong drought resistance, good grain quality and good combining ability. The water-saving and drought resistant rice combinations, such as Hanyou 73 and Hanyou 3015, selected from the parents of Huhan 7A, have shown strong hybrid advantages and have been widely used in production. This paper introduced the characteristics of Huhan 7A, analyzed and evaluated the growth period, resistance and yield of its hybrid combinations, and put forward the precautions and improvement directions when using Huhan 7A, to provide scientific basis for the application of Huhan 7A as the core parent of water-saving and drought-resistance rice.

    Analysis of Fertility, Stability and Adaptability of a New Indica-japonica Hybrid Rice Variety Zhegengyou 27 Based on GGE Biplot
    HOU Fan, CHEN Youyuan, LIN Jianrong, WU Mingguo, SONG Xinwei, SUN Yiming, ZHAN Liwei
    2024, 30(4): 93-97.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1006-8082.2024.04.018
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    Rice is one of the important grain crops in China. Fully utilizing the heterosis between indica and japonica subspecies to cultivate new varieties with high yield, stable yield, and wide adaptability plays an important role in ensuring food security in China. In order to comprehensively understand the characteristics of the new indica-japonica hybrid rice Zhegengyou 27 and effectively tap its production potential, and achieve large-scale promotion and application, a GGE biplot was used for comprehensive evaluation of the regional trial data. The results showed that Zhegengyou 27 has fertility, stability, adaptability and good quality, is an ideal new indica-japonica hybrid rice variety.

    Characteristics and Control Measures of High Temperature Heat Damage in Flowering and Fruiting Stage of Single Season Rice
    FANG Wenying, CHEN Jiaqi, CHU Daiwei, DING Mengjia, YAO Ping, JIN Yimin, LUO Tianzi, SHEN Xinglian, MO Honghua, HUANG Yuying, ZHENG Xiaoxiao, ZHU Defeng
    2024, 30(4): 98-100.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1006-8082.2024.04.019
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    In recent years, high temperature have repeatedly occurred during flowering and fruiting stage of single season rice in the Yangtze River Basin. This study analyzed the characteristics of high temperature heat damage, and the effect of high temperature on seed setting rate during the flowering and fruiting stage of high temperature years. The analysis results indicated that the daily maximum temperature increased and the duration of high temperature extended. The daily maximum temperature in early July and early August of high temperature years raised by 4.3 ℃-4.8 ℃ compared with normal temperature years. During the flowering and fruiting stage of rice, when encountering high temperatures, the seed setting rate decreased by 28.2-43.4 percentage points. The resistance to high temperature heat damage was different among different varieties. According to the characteristics of high temperature heat damage in flowering and fruiting stage and the characteristics of high temperature caused the decrease of the seed setting rate, proposed four prevention and control measures for high temperature heat damage during flowering and fruiting stage, including high temperature warning and sowing period adjustment, selection of heat-resistant varieties, field irrigation during high temperature periods, and spraying of growth regulating substances.

    Preliminary Study on the Aerial Control Techniques of 20% Cyproflanilide Suspension Concentrate Against Chilo suppressalis in Early Rice
    CHEN Hong, WU Jiale, YE Xuhao, FANG Hui, TANG Xuejun
    2024, 30(4): 101-104.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1006-8082.2024.04.020
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    In order to explore the aerial control efficacy of 20% Cyproflanilide suspension concentrate against Chilo suppressalis in early rice, a field experiment was conducted using P100PRO plant protection unmanned aircraft as control tools, with different application rate per unit area and the commercial formulation dosage and set operating parameters in 2023. The results showed that, under the premise of applying the rated commercial formulation dosage per unit area, the control efficacy on Chilo suppressalis did not always increase with the increase of liquid dosage, and the optimal liquid dosage was about 39.00 L/hm2. Under the premise of applying the rated liquid dosage per unit area, the control effect on Chilo suppressalis increased with the increase of the commercial formulation dosage per unit area, and the optimal commercial formulation dosage per unit area was about 378.69 mL/hm2. The control efficacy after one application could last for about 15 days.

    High Yield Cultivation Techniques for the New Hybrid Rice Combination Zhuoliangyou 1126 with a Yield of 17.79 t/hm2
    LI Jianwu, XIN Yeyun, LI Wenyou, WANG Fuchang, LI Jun, LI Haohua, ZHANG Yuzhu
    2024, 30(4): 105-107.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1006-8082.2024.04.021
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    Zhuoliangyou 1126 is a new strong heterosis hybrid rice combination bred by Hunan Agricultural University using the small grain male sterile line Zhuo 201S and the large grain restorer line R1126. It has good plant and leaf morphology, straight sword leaves, relatively low panicle layer, well-developed root system, large panicles and more grains, high seed setting rate, good quality, excellent lodging resistance and high yield potential. At the same time, the small grain male sterile line of this combination can undergo light and simple mechanized seed production, achieving full mechanization of hybrid rice seed production, reducing seed costs, promoting the transformation of rice production methods. In 2023, the super-high yield cultivation demonstration of Zhouliangyou 1126 was carried out in Mengzi City, Yunnan Province, and the average yield is 17.79 t/hm2. This article elaborated on the super-high yielding cultivation techniques of Zhuoliangyou 1126 with yield of 17.79 t/hm2, and proposed key measures to achieve high yield.

    Cultural Column
    Research on Straw Folk Custom from the Perspective of Rice Culture
    MA Yunlei
    2024, 30(4): 108-112.  DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1006-8082.2024.04.022
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    Rice is an important food crop for human beings. The rice culture formed has a long history and is closely related to people's life, so it involves many folk customs. Straw as a by-product of rice is also seen in various folk cases. In this paper, I put straw folk customs into the perspective of rice culture, through folk customs related to straw, analysed the folk image of straw, peep the spread of rice culture.