China Rice ›› 2023, Vol. 29 ›› Issue (4): 78-83.DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1006-8082.2023.04.014

• Special Thesis & Basic Research • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Screening and Identification of Endophytic Bacteria from Oryza minuta and Their Plant Growth-promoting Activities

YANG Lifan#, TIAN Qinglin,#, GONG Yurui, LI Zhenyuan, LI Qingmao, LI Qinyan, HUANG Liyu, HU Fengyi, QIN Shiwen()   

  1. Key Laboratory of Biology and Germplasm Innovation of Perennial Rice of Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs/School of Agriculture, Yunnan University, Kunming 650091, China
  • Received:2023-02-17 Online:2023-07-20 Published:2023-07-26
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杨立凡#, 田青霖,#, 龚禹瑞, 李臻园, 李庆懋, 李沁妍, 黄立钰, 胡凤益, 秦世雯()   

  1. 云南大学 农学院/农业农村部多年生稻生物学与种质创新重点实验室,昆明650091
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  • 基金资助:
    云南省基础研究计划重点项目(202101AS070001);云南省基础研究计划面上项目(202101AT 070021)


Oryza minuta is a valuable wild rice resource that has good biostress and non-biostress resistance. The collection of endophytic bacterial strain resources from Oryza minuta could be used for micro-ecosystem research and application in agricultural fertilizer production. In this study, a total of 85 endophytic bacterial strains were isolated, including 43 phosphate-solubilizing bacteria, 19 nitrogen-fixing bacteria, 29 siderophore-producing bacteria and 13 indole-3-acetic acid (IAA)-producing bacteria. Strains OMR2-3 and OML3-4 were identified as Enterobacter cloacae and Enterobacter ludwigii based on morphological identification and molecular identification, respectively, showing the highest IAA productivity with yields of 17.22 mg/L and 16.59 mg/L. The greenhouse experiment showed that strains OMR2-3 and OML3-4 significantly promoted perennial rice growth. These results indicated that abundant endophytic bacteria with plant growth-promoting activities live in Oryza minuta. E. cloacae strain OMR2-3 and E. ludwigii strain OML3-4 have great potential to be developed as microbial fertilizers for perennial rice, which will meet the simplified cultivation model of perennial rice.

Key words: Oryza minuta, endophytic bacteria, plant growth promotion, microbial fertilizers, perennial rice


小粒野生稻(Oryza minuta)是具有良好生物和非生物胁迫抗性的野生稻资源,挖掘小粒野生稻促生相关内生细菌可为其微生态研究和菌肥开发提供参考信息。本研究对小粒野生稻的根、茎和叶进行内生细菌分离,共获得85个菌株。通过促生功能分析发现,43株内生细菌具有溶磷能力,19株具有固氮作用,29株产铁载体,13株产吲哚乙酸。分离自根部的OMR2-3菌株和叶部的OML3-4菌株具有较高吲哚乙酸分泌能力,分别为17.22 mg/L和16.59 mg/L。形态学和分子鉴定显示,OMR2-3菌株和OML3-4菌株分别为阴沟肠杆菌(Enterobacter cloacae)和路德维希肠杆菌(Enterobacter ludwigii)。通过温室促生效果测定发现,2个菌株对多年生稻粳型品种PR23和籼型品种云大107具有显著促生效果,可以不同程度促进多年生稻幼苗的株高、根长、鲜质量、叶绿素和氮素含量。以上结果说明,小粒野生稻蕴含丰富的促生相关内生细菌资源,从中筛选到的内生阴沟肠杆菌OMR2-3菌株和路德维希肠杆菌OML3-4菌株具有开发成为多年生稻生物微生物菌肥的潜力,有助于多年生稻绿色轻简化的生产模式。

关键词: 小粒野生稻, 内生细菌, 促生作用, 微生物菌肥, 多年生稻

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