China Rice ›› 2021, Vol. 27 ›› Issue (1): 27-31.DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1006-8082.2021.01.006

• Special Thesis & Basic Research • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Effects of Different Nitrogen Application Rates on Dry Matter Transport Characteristics and Quality of Rice in Coastal Saline Alkali Land

Hongyan HOU1(), Xiaoliang DONG1, Hong ZHOU1, Maolin ZHANG1, Lixing WEI2, Defeng ZHU3,*   

  1. 1Dongying Yibang Agriculture Science and Technology Development Co. Ltd., Dongying, Shandong 257000, China
    2Dongying Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Dongying, Shandong 257000, China
    3China National Rice Research Institute, Hangzhou 310006, China
  • Received:2020-10-08 Online:2021-01-20 Published:2021-01-20
  • Contact: Defeng ZHU
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    1st author:


侯红燕1(), 董晓亮1, 周红1, 张茂林1, 魏立兴2, 朱德峰3,*   

  1. 1东营市一邦农业科技开发有限公司,山东 东营 257000
    2东营市农业科学研究院,山东 东营 257000
    3中国水稻研究所,杭州 310006
  • 通讯作者: 朱德峰
  • 作者简介:


  • 基金资助:


In order to study the effects of different nitrogen application rates on dry matter accumulation, translocation, yield and quality of rice in coastal saline alkali land, a field experiment was carried out under the condition of 3‰~6‰ salt content, using Shengdao 2620 as material. The results showed that, with the increase of nitrogen application rate, the proportion of reproductive growth period in the whole growth period of rice increased from 23.67% (N0, no nitrogen fertilizer) to 25.00% (N5, nitrogen application rate is 40 kg/667 m2), the proportion of vegetative growth period in the whole growth period of rice decreased from 76.33%(N0) to 75.00% (N5), the whole growth period of rice decreased from 180 days (N5) to 169 days(N0). The peak period of dry matter accumulation was from 25 days after the green returning period to 20 days after heading. The overall dry matter accumulation rate was N5 > N4(nitrogen application is 32 kg/667 m2)> N3(nitrogen application is 24 kg/667 m2)> N2(nitrogen application is 16 kg/667 m2)> N1(nitrogen application is 8 kg/667 m2)> N0. The dry matter output rate and conversion rate of stem sheath and leaf were increased with the increase of nitrogen application rate, but reduce nitrogen application rate by 20% did not affect dry matter output and transformation. With the increase of nitrogen application rate, the chalky rice rate was significantly decreased, head rice rate and appearance quality were significantly increased. With the increase of nitrogen application rate, the eating quality of rice decreased significantly, the eating value decreased from 72 (N0) to 67 (N5). However, the yield was increased significantly, from 388.34 kg/667 m2 (N0) to 525.89 kg/667 m2(N4). The yield of N4 treatment (nitrogen fertilizer) reduced by 20% was 4.39% higher than that of total nitrogen fertilizer N5 treatment.

Key words: coastal saline alkali land, nitrogen application rate, dry matter translocation, agronomic characters, rice quality


为探讨滨海盐碱地不同氮肥用量对水稻干物质积累和转运、稻谷产量及品质的影响,以常规中粳中晚熟品种圣稻2620为试验材料,在含盐量3‰~6‰条件下研究了6种氮肥施用方式(N5,40 kg/667 m2;N4,32 kg/667 m2;N3,24 kg/667 m2;N2,16 kg/667 m2;N1,8 kg/667 m2;N0,不施氮肥)对水稻干物质积累和转运及产量、品质的特性。结果表明,随着氮肥用量的提高,水稻生殖生长期占全生育期的比例由N0的23.67%增长至N5的25.00%,营养生长期占全生育期的比例由N0的76.33%减少至N5的75.00%,全生育期由N5的180 d减少至N0的169 d。干物质积累盛期在返青期后25 d至抽穗后20 d,总体干物质积累速度表现为N5>N4>N3>N2>N1>N0。茎鞘、叶片的干物质输出率、转化率随着氮肥用量的增加而增大,但减少20%的氮肥用量,不影响干物质的输出和转化。氮肥用量的提高可以显著提高稻米的加工品质和外观品质,但显著降低了其食味品质,食味值由N0的72分降低至N5的67分。氮肥用量提高可以显著提高水稻产量,由N0的388.34 kg/667 m2升高至N4的525.83 kg/667 m2,减少20%氮肥用量的N4处理比全氮量的N5处理产量提高4.39%。

关键词: 滨海盐碱地, 氮肥用量, 干物质转运, 农艺性状, 稻米品质

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