中国稻米 ›› 2024, Vol. 30 ›› Issue (5): 129-132.DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1006-8082.2024.05.021

• 品种与技术 • 上一篇    下一篇


王志东(), 周少川, 陈宜波, 李宏, 黄道强, 周德贵, 赵雷, 龚蓉, 潘阳阳, 周靖波, 王重荣*()   

  1. 广东省农业科学院 水稻研究所/农业农村部华南优质稻遗传育种重点实验室(部省共建)/广东省水稻育种新技术重点实验室/广东省水稻工程实验室,广州 510640
  • 收稿日期:2024-05-13 出版日期:2024-09-20 发布日期:2024-09-12
  • 通讯作者: *
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  • 基金资助:

Breeding of High Quality Rice Huangsiyuezhan

WANG Zhidong(), ZHOU Shaochuan, CHEN Yibo, LI Hong, HUANG Daoqiang, ZHOU Degui, ZHAO Lei, GONG Rong, PAN Yangyang, ZHOU Jingbo, WANG Chongrong*()   

  1. Rice Research Institute, Guangdong Academy of Agricultural Sciences/Key Laboratory of Genetics and Breeding of High Quality Rice in South China (Co-construction by Ministry and Province), Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs/Guangdong Key Laboratory of New Technology in Rice Breeding/Guangdong Rice Engineering Laboratory, Guangzhou 510640, China


在保障粮食安全和消费者对稻米品质要求日益提高的双重背景下,为了培育高产、优质、广适性大品种,笔者在核心种质育种理论指导下,通过将传统系谱法、分子标记辅助选择技术和运用先进仪器设备鉴定相结合的方法,选育出部标(NY/T 83—2017)1级优质稻新品种黄丝粤占。 黄丝粤占在不同年度和不同区域试验中表现出株型理想、丰产性好、适应性广、抗稻瘟病、食味品质优异的特性,实现了高产、优质和抗病等优良基因的有效聚合。2023年黄丝粤占通过广东省农作物品种审定委员会审定,适宜广东粤北以外稻作区作早、晚稻种植,具有很大的推广潜力。

关键词: 常规籼稻, 黄丝粤占, 优质, 高产, 优异基因


In the dual background of ensuring food security and increasing consumer demands for rice quality, in order to cultivate high-yield, high-quality, and widely adaptable varieties, guided by the theory of core germplasm breeding, the author combined traditional pedigree methods, molecular marker assisted selection techniques, and the use of advanced equipment for identification, has bred a new high-quality rice variety Huangsiyuezhan, which is classified as a first-class rice by Agricultural ministry standard(NY/T 83—2017). Huangsiyuezhan has shown ideal plant type, high yield, wide adaptability, resistance to rice blast disease, and excellent taste quality in experiments conducted in different years and regional trial, achieving effective aggregation of excellent genes such as high yield, high quality, and disease resistance. In 2023, Huangsiyuezhan was approved by the Guangdong Provincial Crop Variety Approval Committee. Huangsiyuezhan is suitable for early and late rice cultivation in rice growing areas outside northern Guangdong, and has great potential for promotion.

Key words: convertional indica rice, Huangsiyuezhan, high quality, high yield, excellent genes
