中国稻米 ›› 2024, Vol. 30 ›› Issue (4): 105-107.DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1006-8082.2024.04.021

• 品种与技术 • 上一篇    下一篇

杂交水稻新组合卓两优1126百亩片单产17.79 t/hm2超高产栽培技术

李建武1,3(), 辛业芸1,2, 李文友2, 王福昌2, 李君4, 李浩华2, 张玉烛1,3,*()   

  1. 1湖南杂交水稻研究中心/杂交水稻全国重点实验室,长沙 410125
    2国家杂交水稻工程技术研究中心 高原分中心,云南 个旧 611099
    3隆平农业科技黄埔研究院,广州 510715
    4个旧市种子管理站,云南 个旧 611099
  • 收稿日期:2023-11-07 出版日期:2024-07-20 发布日期:2024-07-16
  • 通讯作者: *
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High Yield Cultivation Techniques for the New Hybrid Rice Combination Zhuoliangyou 1126 with a Yield of 17.79 t/hm2

LI Jianwu1,3(), XIN Yeyun1,2, LI Wenyou2, WANG Fuchang2, LI Jun4, LI Haohua2, ZHANG Yuzhu1,3,*()   

  1. 1Hunan Hybrid Rice Research Center/National Key Laboratory of Hybrid Rice, Changsha 410125, China
    2Branch of China National Hybrid Rice R&D Center on the Yunnan Plateau, Gejiu, Yunnan 611099, China
    3Huangpu Research Institute of Longping Agricultural Science and Technology, Guangzhou 510715, China
    4Gejiu City Seed Management Station, Gejiu, Yunnan 611099, China


卓两优1126是湖南杂交水稻研究中心和湖南农业大学用小粒不育系卓201S与大粒恢复系R1126选配而成的强优势新组合。该组合株叶形态好,剑叶挺直,穗层相对较低,根系发达,穗大粒多,结实率高,稻米品质好,具有优异的抗倒伏能力和较大的高产潜力。同时,该组合的小粒型不育系可进行轻简机械化制种,实现杂交水稻种子生产全程机械化,降低种子成本,促进水稻生产方式转型。2023年卓两优1126在云南省蒙自市进行百亩超高产攻关示范,平均单产达17.79 t/hm2。本文详细阐述了卓两优1126百亩片单产17.79 t/hm2超高产栽培技术,并提出栽培种植过程中获取高产的关键措施。

关键词: 杂交水稻, 卓两优1126, 高产栽培技术


Zhuoliangyou 1126 is a new strong heterosis hybrid rice combination bred by Hunan Agricultural University using the small grain male sterile line Zhuo 201S and the large grain restorer line R1126. It has good plant and leaf morphology, straight sword leaves, relatively low panicle layer, well-developed root system, large panicles and more grains, high seed setting rate, good quality, excellent lodging resistance and high yield potential. At the same time, the small grain male sterile line of this combination can undergo light and simple mechanized seed production, achieving full mechanization of hybrid rice seed production, reducing seed costs, promoting the transformation of rice production methods. In 2023, the super-high yield cultivation demonstration of Zhouliangyou 1126 was carried out in Mengzi City, Yunnan Province, and the average yield is 17.79 t/hm2. This article elaborated on the super-high yielding cultivation techniques of Zhuoliangyou 1126 with yield of 17.79 t/hm2, and proposed key measures to achieve high yield.

Key words: hybrid rice, Zhuoliangyou 1126, high-yielding cultivation techniques
