中国稻米 ›› 2024, Vol. 30 ›› Issue (3): 32-38.DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1006-8082.2024.03.005

• 专论与研究 • 上一篇    下一篇


杨运城, 曾春丽, 姚飞飞, 孙彦波, 杨子鹏, 陈鸿飞*()   

  1. 福建省农业生态过程与安全监控重点实验室/作物生态与分子生理学福建省高校重点实验室/福建农林大学 生命科学学院,福州 350002
  • 收稿日期:2023-11-22 出版日期:2024-05-20 发布日期:2024-05-20
  • 通讯作者: *
  • 基金资助:

Effects of the Application of Bud-promoting Fertilizers in the First Season of Ratooning Rice on the Growth and Development of Axillary Buds at Different Nodes and the Carbon and Nitrogen Content

YANG Yuncheng, ZENG Chunli, YAO Feifei, SUN Yanbo, YANG Zipeng, CHEN Hongfei*()   

  1. Fujian Provincial Key Laboratory of Agroecological Processing and Safety Monitoring/Key Laboratory of Crop Ecology and Molecular Physiology/ College of Life Sciences, Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University, Fuzhou 350002, China


为探究再生稻生产中促芽肥施用量对头季稻不同节位腋芽萌发及生长发育的影响,以杂交水稻品种泸优1831和甬优1540为供试材料,设置4个不同促芽肥施用量处理(N0,不施氮;N1,纯N 75.00 kg/hm2;N2,纯N 84.40 kg/hm2;N3,纯N 93.75 kg/hm2),测定了不同促芽肥施用量处理下再生稻头季不同节位腋芽存活率、芽长、茎节非结构碳水化合物含量和全氮含量。结果表明,腋芽存活率和芽长与促芽肥施用量成正比,施用促芽肥可以显著提高再生稻的腋芽存活率,N3处理较N0处理腋芽存活率提高27.34%(甬优1540)~36.51%(泸优1831)。不同节位腋芽对于促芽肥响应不同,N3处理下泸优1831第2、第3、第4节位的腋芽存活率较N0处理分别提高74.36%、29.35%和22.33%,甬优1540则分别提高24.25%、22.33%和40.49%;相同促芽肥施用量下高节位腋芽存活率均高于低节位腋芽;腋芽存活率与腋芽可溶性糖含量呈极显著正相关关系,第3、第4节位的腋芽存活率与腋芽中淀粉含量呈负相关关系。综上所述,不同节位腋芽存活率与腋芽中的可溶性糖含量有关,其中维持第4节位腋芽存活所需促芽肥最多,当选择低留桩机械化收割时可以适当减少促芽肥的施用量。

关键词: 再生稻, 促芽肥, 腋芽存活率, 可溶性糖


Hybrid rice varieties Luyou 1831 and Yongyou 1540 were used as test materials, and four different treatments of bud promoting fertilizer were set up (N0, no nitrogen application; N1, pure N 75.00 kg/hm2; N2, pure N 84.40 kg/hm2; N3, pure N 93.75 kg/hm2), in order to explore the effects of bud-promoting fertilizer application on the germination and growth of axillary buds at different nodes in the first season of ratooning rice. The survival rate of axillary buds at different node locations, bud length, non-structural carbohydrate content in stem nodes and total nitrogen content of stem nodes in the first season of ratooning rice were measured under different application rates of bud-promoting fertilizers. The results showed that the survival rate of axillary buds and bud length were positively correlated with the application rate of bud-promoting fertilizers. The application of bud-promoting fertilizers significantly increased the survival rate of axillary buds in regenerable rice, the N3 treatment increased the axillary bud survival rate by 27.34%(Yongyou 1540) and 36.51%(Luyou 1831) compared to the N0 treatment. Axillary buds at different nodes responded differently to germination-promoting fertilizers. In the N3 treatment, the survival rates of Luyou 1831 axillary buds at the second, third, and fourth nodes increased by 74.36%, 29.35% and 22.33% compared to the N0 treatment, respectively. The survival rates of Yongyou 1540 axillary buds at the second, third, and fourth nodes increased by 24.25%, 22.33% and 40.49% compared to the N0 treatment, respectively. The survival rate of axillary buds at higher nodes was higher than that at lower nodes under the same application rate of bud-promoting fertilizers. The survival rate of axillary buds was positively correlated with the soluble sugar content in the buds, and negatively correlated with the starch content in the axillary buds at the third and fourth nodes. In conclusion, the survival rate of axillary buds at different nodes is related to the soluble sugar content in the buds, with the highest requirement for bud-promoting fertilizers needed to maintain the survival of axillary buds at the fourth node. When choosing to harvest with low stubble, the application rate of bud-promoting fertilizers can be reduced appropriately.

Key words: ratoon rice, bud-promoting fertilizer, axillary bud survival rate, soluble sugar
