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  1. 1中国水稻研究所,杭州 310006;2浙江国稻高科技种业有限公司,杭州 311400
  • 出版日期:2018-07-20 发布日期:2018-07-20

Conservation and Management System of Rice and Other Important Crop Seeds

  • Online:2018-07-20 Published:2018-07-20


农作物种业是国家战略性、基础性核心产业,是促进农业长期稳定发展、保障国家粮食安全的根本。我国是农业大国,农作物栽培历史悠久,最早的种植业可以追溯至距今10 000年前的新石器时代初期。我国有丰富的作物品种资源,包括数以万计的农家品种以及从国外引进的不少品种,这些宝贵的材料是一个国家最具价值、最具有战略意义的资源,如果缺乏妥善的保存管理方法,保存不当,就会使品种资源遭受严重的损失。有效保存优良种质资源的关键是现代化种质资源库的建立与利用。本文就国内外水稻等作物种子保存的状况进行了梳理,并对中国水稻研究所的种子贮存现状进行了调研及分析,为未来如何更好、更高效地进行种质资源的保存提供参考。

关键词: 作物种子, 水稻, 种质资源, 保存, 种质库


Crop seed industry is a national strategic and basic core industry. It is the fundamental of promoting the long-term and stable development of agriculture and ensuring the national food security.China is a large agricultural country, crop cultivation has a long history, the earliest planting dates back to 10 000 years ago in the Neolithic period. At present, China has very rich crop germplasm resources, including tens of thousands of local varieties and many varieties imported from abroad. These valuable materials are the most valuable and important strategic resources of a country. If improperly stored or lack of proper storage management method, it will make serious losses in the preservation of germplasm resources. In the course of preservation of germplasm resources, the establishment and utilization of modern germplasm resource bank is the key to the effective preservation of excellent germplasm resources.In recent decades, many countries have made great efforts to protect germplasm resources, and a lot of low-temperature germplasm banks have been built.In this paper, the status of seed preservation of rice and other crops at home and abroad is reviewed, and the current situation of seed storage in China National Rice Research Institute is investigated and analyzed, which could provide base for better and more efficient conservation of germplasm resources.

Key words: crop seeds, rice, germplasm resources, conservation, germplasm bank
