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  1. 1南通市农机化技术推广中心,江苏 南通 226006;2南通市作物栽培技术指导站,江苏 南通 226006;3南通市种子管理站,江苏 南通 226006
  • 出版日期:2018-07-20 发布日期:2018-07-20

Population Dynamics and Yield Components of Pot-seedling Mechanical Transplanting Rice

  • Online:2018-07-20 Published:2018-07-20


通过引进东北某型号水稻钵苗移栽机,探究了南通市钵苗机插水稻群体发育动态及产量形成优势。结果表明,与常规毯苗机插水稻相比,钵苗机插水稻具有品种选择范围广、秧苗健壮、秧龄弹性大、栽后活棵发苗快、茎秆粗壮、易获得足穗大穗等优点,试验点实收产量646.8 kg/667 m2,比对照增产9.9%。

关键词: 水稻, 钵苗机插, 群体动态, 产量构成


Through the introduction of a certain type of rice transplanting machine from Northeast China, the population development dynamics and yield formation advantages of pot-seedling mechanical transplanted rice were studied. The results showed that compared with the conventional blanket seedling mechanical transplanted rice, pot-seedling mechanical transplanted rice had wide range of variety selection, strong seedling, elastic seedling age, grow fast after transplanting, sturdy stem, easy to get enough panicle and big spike, the average yield was 646.8 kg/667 m2, increased by 9.9%.

Key words: rice, pot-seedling mechanical transplanted, population dynamics, yield components
