中国稻米 ›› 2014, Vol. 20 ›› Issue (4): 62-64.DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1006-8082.2014.04.016

• 品种与技术 • 上一篇    下一篇


  1. 1浙江省衢州市农业科学研究院,浙江 衢州 324000;2衢州市柯城区白云街道办事处,浙江 衢州 324000;3中国水稻研究所,杭州 310006
  • 出版日期:2014-07-20 发布日期:2014-07-20
  • 通讯作者: 禹盛苗
  • 基金资助:


Effects of Different Sowing Dates on Grain Yield and Agronomic Characteristics of Hybrid Rice Combination Tianyou 8019

  • Online:2014-07-20 Published:2014-07-20

摘要: 不同播期试验结果表明,天优8019属感温性品种,但其秧龄弹性较大。在衢州作连作晚稻种植,表现为株型紧凑,耐肥抗倒,成穗率高,穗大粒多,产量潜力较大,但必须掌握适期播种才能实现高产稳产。在本试验条件下,以6月20-25日播种,秧龄控制在30~35 d,叶龄8.9~9.4叶时移栽,保证本田有3.08~3.27叶的营养生长叶龄,较有利于实现其高产高效的目标。

关键词: 播种期, 产量, 农艺性状, 天优8019

Abstract: Comparative experiment of five sowing dates and one transplanting date was conducted in field. The results showed that Tianyou 8019 belongs to temperature-sensitive variety, but the variation of seedling age is larger. In this experiment, Tianyou 8019 was planted in Quzhou as late rice. It has compact plant type, high lodging resistance, high spike rate and grain number, bigger panicles and high yield potential. However, suitable sowing date is the key to get high yield. In this experiment, sowing date at June 20 to 25, keeping seedling age at 30~35 d, transplanting at suitable leaf age 8.9~9.4, maintaining 3.08~3.27 vegetative growth leaves were key cultural techniques to achieve the high yield and high efficiency.

Key words: sowing date, grain yield, agronomic characteristics, Tianyou 8019
